FRT GFP/RFP ColorSwitch lentivirus (EF1a, Puro)


SKU: LVP1635 Categories: ,


Pre-made lentivirus express the “FRT-GFP-stop-FRT-RFP-Stop” cassette under an enhance EF1a promoter. EF1a promoter is active in most or all tissues. Although EF1a promoter is not as strong as viral promoters like CMV, it tends not to get silenced (like CMV does). 

It also contains a puromycin antibiotic selection marker under Rsv promoter. It is used to monitor or validate the efficiency of the FLP-FRT recombination reaction. see Product Manual for details.

Amount: 200 ul at 1 x08 IFU/ml (concentrated lentivirus provided in PBS solution, premixed with 10x polybrene / 60ug/ml)

CAT#: LVP1635