MDA-MB-231 / TetR (Puro) stable cells


SKU: SC040-TetR Categories: ,


Transformed from MDA-MB-231 cell line (a human breast cancer cells) express tetracycline represser (TetR) gene. TetR was expressed under suCMV promoter. A Puromycin antibiotic marker was expressed under RSV promoter.  The following expression cassette was inserted into cell line’s genome.


It is used to generate tetracycline inducible target expression cell line by simply infect this cell line with Inducible expression particles. The target expression then will be silenced in this cell line, and expression will be induced upon addition of Tetracycline. 

See How inducible expression works.

Sold at:  1 vial x (>2 x 106 cells)/vial, see Product Manual for details.

Cat# SC040-TetR